Why You Need The Soft Side Of Wellness.
“I can do hard things”
Wherever this originated from, I understand it’s intention, to remind us we are all capable of doing the tough stuff.
Here’s the thing, many of us are NOT strangers to doing hard, uncomfortable and painful things.
The phrase, as much as it is a reminder, is often touted as the ONLY option for experiencing growth and success.
It reeks a little too much of ‘earn your ease’.
And if you are of my generation of Gen-Xers & Millenials, you were likely built and groomed for doing hard things.
Anything outside of ‘hard work’ was deemed lazy, letting yourself go, you without ambition etc.
It is why we now have a generation of folks exhausted and working (rather hard btw) to heal from years of trauma of being workhorses.
So, I KNOW we can do hard things.
The aim in pursuing growth isn’t to avoid doing the hard things…
…and quite frankly you’ll never not have to do hard things…cause that’s just life.
Instead it’s to recognize that…
…even as you pursue the hard things, you have options to explore and do the soft things too.
Work hard AND Rest.
Do more AND Do less.
Say yes AND Say no.
Build momentum AND Take pause.
Give tough love without cruelty AND Give gentle love without coddling
Do it yourself AND Ask for help.
Be giving AND Be selfish
And quite frankly for many folks even these things can be hard.
So, in summary, yes you can do hard things AND it’s not the only way to grow.
There is power in pursuing the soft things too.
Practice both for your growth AND your health.