How To Fight For Your Body & Your Health

If you didn’t hear, today we saw the decision made to overturn of Roe vs Wade.

We knew it was coming but the reality of it is still infuriating.

For those of us with uteruses in the US, our ability and right to make decisions about our bodies are no longer safe.

This makes it not only a human rights issue but a health issue as well.

One that disproportionately affects minorities and marginalized communities including Black, Indigenous and People of Color.

In case you’re wondering, this isn’t just about abortions, it’s also about reproductive rights.

That means if ever there was a time to fight FOR your body, it is now.

Not just for you, but for your daughters, nieces, god-daughters and the bodies of their uterus carrying children.

If you believe in body autonomy like I suspect you do, then I'm sure you can respect that people deserve the right to that autonomy, and that includes safe and accessible abortions.

And as infuriating as this decision is, it is one we have the capacity to do something about, together, as a community.

Cause, there is no greater fight than that from the community, and this ruling affects many, which makes it important to get involved.

Want to know of ways to aid or participate in the fight, here are some options I’ve rounded up:

  1. Donate if you can, to support abortion funds that aid women in accessing safe abortions or champion the cause of reproductive rights. Consider Abortionfunds that supports over 80 funds across the nation.

  2. Contact your elected officials in congress to expand the Supreme Court (click here to join the call)

  3. Register so you can vote, if you’re eligible to vote, when the time comes to vote.

  4. Stock up on contraception and emergency contraception, in case you or someone you know ends up in need.

  5. Join the protests, marches and rallies in your community/city/town.


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