Healthy Guide To Summer Body Season

It’s summer time babeee, my favorite time of year!

For this gemini it means being outside and soaking up the sun and warmth.

It’s also the season of summer body messaging aka needing to change your body to look ‘good’ in summer clothing.

This time, I’m here for it, but NOT in the way you might think.

First of all, summer is going to get whatever body you’re in. It’s just fact at this point.

Secondly, for said body to have experienced a pandemic dealing with fear, stress, worry, grief, loneliness and heartbreak, yet still be standing to tell the tale, is next level and powerful badassery!

So you bet, summer deserves you showing up in all your power. No filter, water down or chaser.

What’s more is, now that the world is reopening, you’re likely making plans to travel or get out more and see your loved ones again.

To have this freedom compared to last year is quite the summer gift and worthy of every bit of celebration.

You body doesn’t need to change for you to do so.

If you’re feeling some kind of way about your body not being ‘summer ready’, here are 6 ways you can have a banging time with and in your body all summer season long.

  1. Go for daily walks in the morning hours now that it gets brighter earlier and gets darker later (this also helps promote the body's natural sleep rhythm).

  2. Enjoy seasonally refreshing and hydrating foods like my favorites watermelon and cantaloupe.

  3. Opt outside to enjoy the warm sunny weather and get more of your daily movement through activities like biking, hiking, walking, playing like a kid or with kids, running.

  4. Host a handful of friends at home, or a nearby park, using the grill to cook up simple summer favorites.

  5. Wear the summer dress, the shorts, the blouse, the swimsuit that fits, has a pop - or a whole lot - of color, and keeps you feeling cool and comfortable in the summer heat.

I hope that as you go into the summer season you jump in with your whole body.

You don't need to wait until you get to [insert body goal/fitness/health destination] in order to enjoy the summer season.

You can do so right now in the body you've got, even if/while you're working to change something about it. 


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