10 Ways to Fix Your Diet without going ON one.

Diets are very useful for a variety of reasons.

But within the health and wellness space they are touted as the gateway to true health.

This my friends is a myth and one that is dangerous and misguided - in my personal experience and opinion.

Packaged on flashy sales pages with promises and testimonials of big results in the shortest possible time, diets are the shiny object most people want because they believe it will fix inconsistent eating habits and get their health in order.

Instead they get a list of foods they should and shouldn’t eat, rules around when and how to eat, tricks and tips to tame the beast that is cravings, and unmanaged expectations and feelings of guilt for lacking willpower and discipline to get the outcome they were after.

If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve been that person.

Maybe you built a few good habits and are still working at them, or maybe you’re still struggling to ‘fix’ what you believe is a broken diet.

You know what's a better 'fix' than a diet you do for 12 weeks that you can't wait to bail on?

Learning how to eat mostly foods that are great for your health and making room for 'fun' foods.

For the average person, this can be accomplished with some simple changes. And done over a long time (way more than 8 or 12 weeks) is often enough to be effective.

Here are some ways to 'fix' your diet right now:

  1. Put your food in a bowl or on a plate so you have a visual of what you’re eating, even if it's take out.

  2. Bump up your protein at each meal. If you struggle with hunger and cravings, this can be one way to make an impact if you aren't eating enough. 

  3. Fill half your plate with veggies. There are other colors besides green ones.

  4. Use your hand to give you some measure of portion control (palm full = protein,  fist = veggies, cupped hand = carbs, thumb = fats).

  5. Turn everything you eat into a meal, i.e. has protein + carbs + fats + veggies (where possible). This includes snacks and treats. 

  6. Eat your protein and veggies first.

  7. Sit down to eat and focus on your food without your phone/watching tv.

  8. Take a breath between bites.

  9. Have fruits as your 'dessert'.

  10. Chew your food don’t just cut and swallow.

Diets serve a purpose for a very short term.

Trying to apply them to long-term living, unless medically necessary, is one sure way to frustrate and overwhelm yourself.

If you're looking to eat for health and for the rest of your life, then simple, doable and consistent is the way to go. 


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