The Surprising Rest Tool You Aren’t Using

2020 has brought home the harsh reality that we aren’t robots or have superhuman powers.

We break, get sick, lose focus or just get plain depleted.

This year has made it very clear that we can’t do all the things and expect to be functioning on all cylinders every darn day.

Rest is necessary.

Replenishing our energies is tantamount to productivity, mental fortitude and cultivating joy that keeps us moving forward with determination and intent.


The Surprising Way to Get Rest

One effective way to get rest and free up mental, emotional and physical capacities is to outsource.

Yes, outsource.

All those tasks, jobs or things you dislike doing, don’t want to do, or drain you to get done?

Hand them off to someone else.

  • Don’t want to do your laundry? Hire someone to wash them.

  • Not a fan of housecleaning? Pay a cleaning service tackle it for you.

  • Tired of cooking? Use a meal prep service to deliver your meals weekly.

  • Dislike answering the million emails or doing the ‘busy’ admin work in your business? Hire a virtual assistant to take that off your plate.

  • Would like some kid free time? Hire a nanny/babysitter.

Outsourcing doesn’t necessarily have to cost you either.

You can enlist your kids for housecleaning and tidying up. Ask your spouse to take dinner off your plate or contribute in some way. Get your family to lend you a hand with things you need.

It’s neither weakness nor laziness to ask for help. On the contrary it says you recognize where you aren’t making the most of your time and are therefore taking steps to correct that.

The power in outsourcing is that it unburdens you. It allows you to operate within your zone of genius, focus on that which lights you up and gives you the rest you need to rebuild your energy stores.

And while you may incur a monetary cost to get a task done, what you get back terms of time and energy is nothing short of priceless.

So, while heading to the spa or getting a massage can indeed aid in your ‘restoration’, chances are you can recoup a little more with greater frequency by taking somethings off your plate.

Your future well-being thanks you.


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