Before Commenting On Someone’s Body Changes…

No, a picture doesn’t really say a thousand words.

Not when folks without additional information or context, will make assumptions that regardless of the intent, can trigger hurt or harm.

I see this often in comments that people make to and about others’ bodies changing or not changing in certain ways.

With no knowledge of what’s going on in the background, it’s often assumed someone worked hard and did a good thing when they appear to be smaller or in a thinner body, but if they’re looking to be in a bigger body then they must have gotten lazy and let themselves go.

Another popular assumption is that you must be happier in a thinner body than you were in a larger body.

These assumptions and beliefs need to die. 

But more so the narrative needs to shift.

And that begins with you.

Challenge your own perspectives about bodies, and what healthy bodies can or should look like. 

(I made a podcast episode all about this in Episode 2 of UnDiet Yo’self)

Then start pushing back when others make unwarranted assumptions about others and yourself with no basis.

It’s fine if you choose pursue body changes or yourself, but in doing so be sure you aren’t casting judgment on others for not wanting the same. 

People can be perfectly happy and healthy in the bodies they do have. 

You gotta respect that. 

So whether you’re the one who shares a picture of yourself or you see someone who’s seemingly experienced some kind of body change, share a picture on social (or even in person) please note that:

  • You do not have control over the opinions of others, only over your actions and intent.

  • You’ll never get the full story from one picture or snippet, so don’t create one or make assumptions. When in doubt ask and if you’ve shared know that you don’t need to explain yourself.

  • Always read (the room) before jumping in to someone DMs or making comments. No one is obligated to share more than they already have with you, especially on social media. So if they choose not to, accept it as such and move on.

If you don't know what else to say, saying nothing is a perfectly reasonable response.

But if all else fails go drink some water and mind ya business.


Why Slowing Down Matters To Your Health


How To Create Happiness Not Dependent On Your ‘Dream’ Body